Publication Scheme

OEP as a new legal body

The OEP was legally created in November 2021, under the Environment Act 2021.

Our work covers England and Northern Ireland. We also cover reserved matters across the UK (a matter on which only the UK Parliament in Westminster can make legislation). We are an independent non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. 

The information we publish will increase over time.

Please visit our What We Do page and our News page for more information.


Our Publication Scheme helps you find Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) information.

It has been prepared in line with the model publication scheme of the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and ensures that the OEP meets the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. It is a guide to the information we routinely publish or intend to publish. We will keep it under review.

Obtaining Information

We will publish most information on our website, and link to sections of our website are provided in this publication scheme. All documents on the OEP website can be downloaded for free. Most documents for download can be found on our Reports and Publications page.

If you cannot find the information you require, let us know. Contact information is found on the Contact Us page. If you are unable to access the internet, you can contact us to request information and we may be able to provide it by other means.

We may make a charge for printing and postage in some cases. We will advise you in advance if there is a charge.


Section 1: Who we are and what we do

Organisational Information

You can learn more about the role of the OEP on our What We Do page.

Governance and Structure

The OEP is governed by its board. You can learn more about the OEP board on our Who We Are page, and about how our board makes decisions in our Governance Framework.

Further information, such as the OEP’s organisational structure, will be published in due course.

Location and contact details

Location and contact details of the OEP can be found on our Contact Us page.


Section 2: What we spend and how we spend it

Information about our budget will be published in our strategy, corporate and business plans and in our annual report and accounts.

Information about the OEP’s finances will be made available in our annual report and accounts, and in other information published on our website.

You will be able to find this information by marking the ‘corporate information’ checkbox on our Reports and Publications page.

Details of tendering opportunities and contracts we have awarded can be found on our Information for Suppliers page.


Section 3: What our priorities are and how we are doing

Information about our strategy and priorities will be published in our strategy and our corporate and business plans. Information about our delivery against our priorities will be published in our annual report and accounts.

You will be able to find this information by marking the ‘corporate information’ checkbox on our Reports and Publications page.

For information about the service we provide for those who complain to us, please review our Customer Charter.


Section 4: How we make decisions

Information about how we make decisions can be found in our Governance Framework.

Minutes and papers of our Board meetings, including the decisions we have taken, can be found at our Reports and Publications page. You can filter our publications by marking the 'OEP board' and ‘Meeting minutes’ checkbox.

Any consultation the OEP undertakes before it makes decisions will be published on this website. Information about how to respond to any consultation will be set out in the relevant consultation document.

Our strategy and corporate and business plans will be available on our Reports and Publications page.


Section 5: Policies and procedures

The public can make a complaint to us where they suspect that the government or a public authority has failed to comply with environmental law. You can learn about this process on our How our complaints process works page.

Information about how we will work and undertake each of our functions will be published in our strategy. This will be available on our Reports and Publications page.

For information on how and why we handle personal data, please review our Personal Information Charter.


Section 6: Lists and Registers

For information on data disclosure, please visit our Freedom of Information page and read our Personal Information Charter.

You will be able to find information about gifts and hospitality given to or received by the OEP or its senior staff under the Reports and Publications page. A register of interests of the OEP board will also be published.


Section 7: The services we offer

Our services and responsibilities

You can find information about the services we offer, and our functions throughout this website and in our strategy.

For information on our regulatory responsibilities and services, visit our What We Do page.

Information about how to complain to us if you suspect a public authority has failed to comply with environmental law, can be found on our Can I Complain page.

For information on what is involved in making a complaint, visit our How our complaints process works page.

For information on submitting a complaint, visit our Submit a Complaint page.

News and media releases

For news about the OEP, and our media releases, visit our News page.